
Here's a list of online resources which we find helpful...

Messier Marathon links

useful page of links for all things Messier


Touring the universe through binoculars PDF pages 308 Pages

Touring the Universe through Binoculars: A Complete Astronomer's Guidebook

Eclipse Info

Total Solar Eclipse 2026

Total Solar Eclipse
August 12, 2026

Eclipses come and eclipses go but each one has its own special experience that can later be dredged up from memory, in conversation, or in contemplation. The 2026 total eclipse fits comfortably in that genre, offering an abundance of opportunity, from exotic Arctic icescapes in Greenland, volcanic drama in Iceland, to balmy sub-tropical castles in Spain.

Eclipse Info

Xavier Total eclipse maps


Everyday Spacer - Pam Hoffman's Astronomy Meetups

Pam Hoffman is best known for producing National Space Society’s 14th International Space Development Conference in Cleveland, Ohio with over 600 in attendance.


Astronomical League - Night Sky Tools

Discover the wonder, beauty, and mystery of our incredible Universe!


Astronomical League - Observing Program Division

The Astronomical League provides many different Observing Programs. These Observing Programs are designed to provide a direction for your observations and to provide a goal. The Observing Programs have certificates and pins to recognize the observers’ accomplishments and for demonstrating their observing skills with a variety of instruments and objects.


The Observer's Notebook - Tim Robertson's Podcasts

The Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers was founded in 1947 and promotes observing of the solar system. Both amateur and professional astronomers work together to further our understanding of the universe.


The Observer's Notebook - The 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

In this episode of the Observer's Notebook podcast, host Tim Robertson talks to the ALPO Eclipse expert, John ONeal, about the upcoming total solar eclipse, and contact information.

Eclipse Info

Mr. Eclipse

The total eclipse of the Sun is the most spectacular event in all of Nature! Few people have ever witnessed one, but once seen it is an experience never to be forgotten. The Moon's dark shadow plunges you into an eerie twilight and the Sun's mysterious and incredibly beautiful corona is revealed.

Eclipse Info

NASA Eclipse and Transit Records and Information

Resource for eclipse and transit records and information.

Eclipse Info

Eclipsophile - Total Solar Eclipse

Eclipsophile: Climate and Weather for Celestial Events

Eclipse Info

Interactive Map of Eclipse Path 2024

Courtesy of