Here are five of my favorite galaxies: M74, M81, M82, M31, M33
M74 known as the Phantom Galaxy is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Pisces. Shining at mag. 9.5 makes it a popular target because it is face-on with well-defined spiral arms.
M81 or Bode's Galaxy The galaxy's large size and relatively high brightness (mag. 7) makes it a popular target for Dobs. 8" and larger.
M82 the Cigar Galaxy is a very active galaxy. At about a magnitude and a half dimmer than neighboring galaxy M81, both can be seen together in my 12 1/2" at low power.
M31 known as the Andromeda Galaxy is a spiral galaxy and the closest major galaxy to the Milky Way. At mag. 3.4, it is visible to the naked eye in dark skies. Binoculars work well too. A medium sized telescope will start to see the two major dust lanes. Look for M32 and M110 in the same field of view.
M33 The Triangulum Galaxy is a face-on spiral galaxy. Even at mag. 5.8 it is not very bright due to its low surface brightness but under steady skies a hint of spiral arms can be glimpsed.
Clear and Dark Skies, Dave Holland